Friday, July 8, 2011

Another Day

I am terrible at keeping this updated. It's been a few months and I won't go into great detail getting caught up because if you know me well then you already know what's been going on. A recap:

The boys had a great school year. Jack is still Jack and a little bit of a stinker. James is back at work full time and loves one job, not the other. His back is great now. Captain is a giant puppy. Annoying inside the house but cute outside. Kash is doing amazing despite his scary grand entrance that was followed by 5 days in the NICU. We are blessed. :) I'm learning how to cloth diaper and I love it. I may create a detailed post about that another day.

It's summer time. Baseball season for Henry is over and Nelson's team made it to the playoffs which starts next week. They are both going to summer camp soon and are excited about that. It's not overnight, just day camp because 1. Henry isn't old enough for overnight yet and 2. I'm not ready for Nelson to be gone overnight for a week yet. I'm not sure he is ready for that either. Other than that I think we're having a pretty low key summer and hopefully the boys are not bored with me yet. I have plans for the zoo, plans for swimming at the lake, and trips to the movies but we haven't done any of it yet. It's been sooo hot. If we could just get going earlier in the day before the heat takes over!

1 comment:

La Shell said...

You are one busy lady!