Monday, December 27, 2010

Jack's Adventures in Potty Training...Day 1!

Today Jack was introduced to the potty chair. He is having loads of fun lifting and closing the lid! So far he has tried to get to it once and sat on the edge and peed in the floor. I consider this a milestone! Go Jack! He is only 18 months but with a baby arriving in 5 months I'd really like to get this knocked out! We are able to do it with Nelson but Henry was 3 before it was complete!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Baby #4

So we are going to have another boy! I am actually really excited! As is the rest of our family. Of course, what boy wouldn't want another brother to play with? I always felt like this was another boy but once in a while I thought maybe I wanted a girl. But felt so much relief and excitement when we saw that it was a boy. He'll be named Luke Ryan Suggs. Isn't that cute? :) Hope you all have a merry Christmas!