Monday, August 27, 2007

Nelson's First Day of Kindergarten!

Today was the big day! Luckily Nelson fell asleep right away last 8:00p.m.... so he wasn't a bear this morning! I put Henry in my bed at the same time so he wouldn't keep Nelson awake like he normally does and you know what? The little booger went right to sleep too! HOoray! Anyway, the day started out great. Nelson woke up in a very cheerful mood even though the sun wasn't up yet!

His words were... Mom! It's early! And yes, it was.. it was 6:40a.m. I'm not sure if anyone in this house besides James has been up that early in the past 2 years! He got to have his eggs and biscuits on the "Special Day" Plate which he loved! It was the first time anyone has eaten off of it! I'm sure it made his breakfast taste much better than it was..... I somehow forgot to get breakfast food so he didn't get any bacon with it... bad mommy! :(Once he was all dressed we headed outside for pictures. And as we all know, Nelson is quite the ham! He loved the feel of his clothes. And... are you sitting down?? Please, don't faint... but I ACTUALLY IRONED THEM! Yes, I ,Kassy Suggs, IRONED clothes! WOW! And YES, Nelson looked SHARP! Isn't he handsome?Posing... I could just eat him up! I asked him how excited he was about school and he did a little jig that went something like this:We got his backpack out for more posing. I was afraid he wouldn't want to use it because I got a solid red one that actually fit him instead of an oversized and ugly superhero one. At this point he is sick of the pictures... sorry, gotta take more!Not sure what was going on here but still cute!He is telling me again how happy is about going to school. I am thrilled that he wants to go. I hope that never changes!James is working today but he got to "sneak" away for an hour to come with us for the first day.Nelson was so happy about that! It wouldn't have been the same without Daddy!
Now isn't this the most handsome boy you've ever seen?! Well I think so! Unfortunately I felt rushed once we got to school and no one else was doing the picture thing outside the school so we didn't either. I wish we would have! I may do it when I pick him up this afternoon. :) But, here he is sitting at his place. Gosh..... it makes me tear up looking at this. :( He's really growing up way too fast!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye! You're going to have a great day Nelson! I love you! And there he sits.. in his classroom. His teacher was really sweet by the way. I think she'll be good. For some reason they didn't have "Meet the Teacher" night yet so we'll be doing that tonight... weird.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


The boys have nice rosy cheeks today from our lake trip yesterday. I made the mistake of NOT using their sunscreen and instead used SPF8... which is apparently not any different than NOT wearing sunscreen. I'm not burnt badly but I am a little red and it's a little painful.. not unbearable though.

And OMIGOSH! I am sore in places that I didn't know I had muscles! James is too! That tubing really wears you out. I should go every day .. get some excercise. :)

Needless to say, we are taking it easy today. Just chilling in our pj's. Except James. Poor poor pitiful James had to go to work at the fire dept. and sit in front of CABLE TV all day. Waaa waaaa waa... Ha ha. Actually I don't know w hat he's doing but I'm sure it's not much since Sunday's are usually slow for him.

Tomorrow is Nelson's first day of kindergarten. We are all excited and a little sad at the same time since this means he really is going to grow up. I was hoping to be able to keep him small forever but it hasn't worked. I'm hoping I don't turn the alarm off in the morning and go right back to sleep... More than likely it won't happen because I'll be so excited and anxious I won't be able to sleep at all.

I am not planning on blogging every day but yes, I'll be back tomorrow to report on his first day of school!

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Our Day On The Lake!

Today we took the boat out for our first all day trip! We have only taken it out for a couple hours at a time until now. Let me tell you... IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Our boat will hold 14 people but it was just Me, James, Nelson, Henry, and our friend Eric. We started off the day by fishing.Nelson was very serious about it!

After that we did some tubing. It was James first time! I had done it before but it's been since highschool. Anyway, I laughed so hard my face hurt! James was a trip. He tried all kinds of stunts!
Nelson even went tubing. He rode with James first, then James fell off. Nelson loved it until he did a nose dive into the lake....ouch! (no, don't call CPS, we were going super slow).

Eric went next, then me. We all had a blast!We docked our boat at a Marina that had a lakeside grill to have a late lunch. The kids (and me for that matter!) thought that was awesome!! After lunch we had some more fishing, tubing, and swimming before the kids and I got tired and were ready to go home. James and Eric stayed behind for some more fishing. All in all it was a fantastic day! We agree that the boat was a great investment... more family fun and bonding. Worth every penny!!

Here are a few more pics of our day! Enjoy!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Let's Put Our Hiney's Together?

No... It wasn't "let's put our heads together." Today I heard the phrase "let's put our hiney's together."

Henry's working on potty training (a FUN time) and is wearing training underwear... you know the kind with a thicker material in the crotch area so accidents aren't QUITE as messy. Well, Henry decided he didn't want to wear anything at all so off went the undies. Naturally, Nelson wants to get naked too. I let them, it's just me here so why not. No need to be modest.

As luck would have it they decided to come in here and do a little naked dance jiggling around and proudly waving their private parts. The dance ended with them bending over in a "mooning" position followed by the above mentioned phrase. Yes... I gave a small laugh (didn't want to make too much of a deal over it) and told them not to forget that those are PRIVATE for a reason... you don't touch anyones and no one touches your hiney or anything else! "Since yall are out of control, go put your undies back on!"

Minutes later they come back wearing their undies.... ON THEIR HEADS! If only I'd thought to get out the camera. Such silly boys.

In case you're wondering. They did manage to get the undies on the right way and are now fully clothed and I used this fun time to remind them when and who it's appropriate to be undressed in front of. Hopefully it sunk in.

On to the next subject.... Tomorrow we are getting up bright and early. Okay, so bright but not too early. We are heading out to the lake on our new boat. For a fun day of fishing and a little tubing.
It's a 1990 SunTracker Party Barge.
I haven't really been much into fishin' but James and the boys LOVE it and so does our friend Eric who will be going with us. So I decided for my birthday (which is Sept. 1st, just like Henry Coles) I want a fishin' pole. I picked it out...I haven't recieved it yet but I think James is going to get me that and a fishin' license. I have no idea what brand of pole it is but it's a dusty pink color. Yes! They make them in pink!
I'll take my camera tomorrow so there'll be plenty of pics to come!

Okay... I'll give it a try....

I have often thought I should write down or journal all the funny little things my boys say and do and I did a lot of that with my first born but my second.....nothing. It's always been too time consuming and I just plain hate writing. Mainly because my handwriting is so horrible. And now.... I can't remember half the funny things I thought I would. My mother is always saying "Kassy, you should write that down." A friend of mine, Leah, recently sent me an email informing me that she was starting a blog. Then today I read a hilarious posting on an ebay that lead me to a blog that cracked me up! Now, I'm inspired! So from here on out, if my kids do something cute or funny you can read about it here. If something exciting happens or if something crappy'll be here. Happy reading!