Sunday, September 2, 2007

Birthday Time!

So yesterday was mine AND Henry's birthday. Yes, for those of you who didn't already know, I did have Henry on my birthday. Anyway, I turned 28.. yikes!!!! WAAAAYYY too close to 30. And Henry is now the big 3! We had a little party for him at 6p.m. yesterday with a slip-n-slide that turned into a big muddy mess, grilled hot dogs, a birthday cake made by me.... don't be impressed, it came from a mix and the icing from a can. :) The kids had big fun. Some of the cousins and a few friends were here to help celebrate. Oh, and some of Henry's grandparents. After getting muddy they ate hotdogs on the porch then came inside for cake and spent the rest of the time opening presents and playing in the toy room. It was LOUD! Lots of little ones running laps inside the house... funny. :0)

The day before our birthday my mom took me out while James had Henry. We went to Starbucks for breakfast then shopping for birthday party stuff then to the mall where she got me a really pretty Willow Tree ....a plaque (in 3d) with a husband, wife, and two boys on it. After that we went to On The Border and had strawberry margaritas and split a border sampler. Yum yum!!!
Today I took the boys to see their Papaw (my dad). We went out to eat at a great seafood place called The Fish Bone (i think...) right across the street from the new cowboy stadium (which he is helping to build!). From there we went to my Uncle Paul's house and visited... my grandma and her new husband were there from Louisiana. It was a nice visit! I hated to leave so quick but I wanted to be home before dark. My dad sent Henry and I home with birthday money! :)
Okay... I made a slide show of the pics and followed the directions on putting it in the blog but it didn't work so click HERE to see the slide show. :0)

1 comment:

Summer said...

It sounds like y'all had a really good weekend! I wish we could have been there.