Sunday, August 26, 2007


The boys have nice rosy cheeks today from our lake trip yesterday. I made the mistake of NOT using their sunscreen and instead used SPF8... which is apparently not any different than NOT wearing sunscreen. I'm not burnt badly but I am a little red and it's a little painful.. not unbearable though.

And OMIGOSH! I am sore in places that I didn't know I had muscles! James is too! That tubing really wears you out. I should go every day .. get some excercise. :)

Needless to say, we are taking it easy today. Just chilling in our pj's. Except James. Poor poor pitiful James had to go to work at the fire dept. and sit in front of CABLE TV all day. Waaa waaaa waa... Ha ha. Actually I don't know w hat he's doing but I'm sure it's not much since Sunday's are usually slow for him.

Tomorrow is Nelson's first day of kindergarten. We are all excited and a little sad at the same time since this means he really is going to grow up. I was hoping to be able to keep him small forever but it hasn't worked. I'm hoping I don't turn the alarm off in the morning and go right back to sleep... More than likely it won't happen because I'll be so excited and anxious I won't be able to sleep at all.

I am not planning on blogging every day but yes, I'll be back tomorrow to report on his first day of school!

Happy Sunday!

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