Saturday, October 13, 2007

Square Fair presents Pirates of the Kindergarten!

Today was the Square Fair. It kicked off with a parade with the first place float being the Pirates of the Kindergarten. It was truly an AWESOME float! Nelson, and the other kids, looked really cool up there! And... I did help by painting some of the words on. :) The parade was bigger than I thought it would be. Every class had a float, then the homecoming court and pageant winners and of course all the local fire departments, VFW, marching band, and everyone that is running for office. After the parade the kids walked around with James, Gramps, & Mema while I worked the dunking booth. I had a blast! I didn't think I"d like it but I did! After that I had the pleasure of working the ice cream booth for 2 hours... it wasn't as fun as the dunking booth but it was alright. And we raised a nice bit of money for the class of 2020! There were tons of booths and the live music was GREAT! Here are a few of our favorite pics from the parade.

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