Friday, October 5, 2007

Moments like this....

...are what make being a mom so great!

Nelson has a reading challenge for school so we sat down this evening and started reading an "easy reader" I bought him. Something about a dog named Biscuit. We started out by saying the letters in the words, then sounding them out. He had trouble putting it all together when sounding it out but after a while he got the hang of it and was able to read a few small words - is, this, Sam, too, dog, big and even Biscuit! When we were done I told him what a great job he did and that he read really good. His eyes were lit up and he had a HUGE grin on his face! As I was telling him how proud I was his eyes watered up, his chin quivered and he grabbed me and hugged me around the neck crying! I hugged him back then pulled him away to look at his face. I told him again how proud I was and how good he had read those words. I asked him why he was crying. Are you happy or sad? His response... "I'm happy! I have never done anything that good before! You're the best book reader mom ever!"


La Shell said...

That is so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwe. That is so sweet!!! - Aunt Karen