Friday, July 11, 2008


I have had some venting on here lately and well, here I go again!!! But first, I'd like to THANK TXU for reading my blog and then contacting me to get our issues resolved.

Now.. back to the griping. Our A/C is just not working right. We know what's wrong but it takes money to fix it and the people that installed it, a few years before we moved in, failed to fill out the warranty information... t hey did leave the warranty paperwork though,a lot of good that does us. So, we are waiting for the previous owners to return our call so we can contact whoever installed it and get it fixed!!! I cannot have another high electric bill because the blasted thing is running non-stop.

Second.... As most of you know we sold our house in Murchison in January of 2007. We had the home and the land titled separately but we sold it combined. Apparently the title company dropped the ball somewhere because the tax office, school & county, show that we still own the home. We get the statements from them on the taxes owed and forwarded them to the new owners who lease the home out. After the second time, we sent it certified and they responded assuring us it would be taken care of. Well, today we got letters in the mail from two attorneys notifying us of a lein on OUR property AND that it is being foreclosed on if payment isn't received. So...we are back on this issue. I am of the mind to call someone to go hook up to that stupid house and haul it off somewhere, then pay the measly $300 in taxes and sell it AGAIN. If the new owners want to pay all that money for less than an acre of land with no home, then so be it.

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