Thursday, September 11, 2008

Henry is Four!

Henry is well... Henry! He's really improved lately with his crazy behaviour. He minds well most of the time and has taken a big interest in being read to. Of course, coloring is still his favorite pastime. He still colors almost non-stop! He turned four on September 1st. It still seems like yesterday that we brought this tiny fuzzyheaded blue eyed baby home with us! His birthday was kind of hectic for us so he ended up spending it on the lake with Nelson and their Pops & Nina (James' Dad & Step-mom). All Henry wanted anyway was to eat carrot cake on the lake so it worked out well. On our way to visit my mom, James and I dropped off some carrot cake with them. Henry really enjoyed it! The previous two days, James and the boys spent a lot of time at the lake with the Armstrong Family: Bud, Leah, Delanie, and Mary Kathryn. We were all suppose to go but my plans changed. By looking at their pictures, they had big fun!

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