Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Daddy's a Firefighter!

Jack is in love with all things related to firefighters. Any time we visit James at work he wants to spend the entire time climbing on the fire engine. He even has to say good-bye to it! He has several toy fire engines, fire trucks and somewhere even a firefighter. He also has a book about firefighting that makes the siren noise when you honk the horn on the attached steering wheel. James brought his bunker gear home last night and at bedtime got decked out while Jack was looking at his firefighter book in bed. James walked in to the room and Jack lit up! How cool to have your firefighter daddy read a firefighter book to you at bedtime decked out in bunker gear?! Jack LOVED it. I just love all the thoughtful things James does to make memories for our boys. <3

His face as James walked in...

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