Tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of my 25th birthday. The day that I gave birth to my second born son, Henry Cole. Like his older brother, he thought induction was a ridiculous idea. His due date was August 26th. We were scheduled for induction in the early morning hours of September 1st. The night before we watched the Rangers play in overtime and shortly after the game was over my water broke! (same exact scenario with Nelson!) We left Nelson with my parents and rushed to the hospital. We should have known better than to be in a hurry because it was a long 19 hours later before we met Henry. We had an eventful labor. His heart rate dropping due to cord compression (fixed with an amniotic infusion). My heart rate going thru the roof for unexplained reasons... you should have seen the look on James face when he came back from getting coffee to find a cardiologist and several extra nurses in the room checking me out. Needless to say, he did not leave the room again for ANYTHING. Besides that, I got an epidural that caused numbness on the wrong half of my body. Not fun. But.... it was all worth it. As soon as Henry was born they had to do a little work on him but a few moments later when they laid him in my arms I was in awe... here was this beautiful, bald, tiny baby...7lbs 10 oz and 21 3/4" long. I couldn't believe it! He was so different than what I was expecting... After all, his older brother came in to this world chubby and with a head full of dark hair... looking just like me! Henry looked NOTHING like me. We later realized that he was a spitting image of James. Seven years later we see that he not only looks like James but he acts like him too! ;) Henry is a very passionate little boy. Full of energy and love....and sometimes a little vinegar. I love him to pieces and feel so blessed to be his mom! And it's pretty cool sharing a birthday with him too!
I wanted to post a newborn pic of him too but they are all on disc in the attic.