Wednesday, August 31, 2011

7th Anniversary

Tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of my 25th birthday. The day that I gave birth to my second born son, Henry Cole. Like his older brother, he thought induction was a ridiculous idea. His due date was August 26th. We were scheduled for induction in the early morning hours of September 1st. The night before we watched the Rangers play in overtime and shortly after the game was over my water broke! (same exact scenario with Nelson!) We left Nelson with my parents and rushed to the hospital. We should have known better than to be in a hurry because it was a long 19 hours later before we met Henry. We had an eventful labor. His heart rate dropping due to cord compression (fixed with an amniotic infusion). My heart rate going thru the roof for unexplained reasons... you should have seen the look on James face when he came back from getting coffee to find a cardiologist and several extra nurses in the room checking me out. Needless to say, he did not leave the room again for ANYTHING. Besides that, I got an epidural that caused numbness on the wrong half of my body. Not fun. But.... it was all worth it. As soon as Henry was born they had to do a little work on him but a few moments later when they laid him in my arms I was in awe... here was this beautiful, bald, tiny baby...7lbs 10 oz and 21 3/4" long. I couldn't believe it! He was so different than what I was expecting... After all, his older brother came in to this world chubby and with a head full of dark hair... looking just like me! Henry looked NOTHING like me. We later realized that he was a spitting image of James. Seven years later we see that he not only looks like James but he acts like him too! ;) Henry is a very passionate little boy. Full of energy and love....and sometimes a little vinegar. I love him to pieces and feel so blessed to be his mom! And it's pretty cool sharing a birthday with him too!

I wanted to post a newborn pic of him too but they are all on disc in the attic.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Daddy's a Firefighter!

Jack is in love with all things related to firefighters. Any time we visit James at work he wants to spend the entire time climbing on the fire engine. He even has to say good-bye to it! He has several toy fire engines, fire trucks and somewhere even a firefighter. He also has a book about firefighting that makes the siren noise when you honk the horn on the attached steering wheel. James brought his bunker gear home last night and at bedtime got decked out while Jack was looking at his firefighter book in bed. James walked in to the room and Jack lit up! How cool to have your firefighter daddy read a firefighter book to you at bedtime decked out in bunker gear?! Jack LOVED it. I just love all the thoughtful things James does to make memories for our boys. <3

His face as James walked in...

The First Week of School

Nelson and Henry survived their first week of school!

Henry was really dreading 1st grade (thank you Nelson for making it sound scary!) but he loves his teacher and really enjoyed the first week. He had his very first spelling test and made a 100!

Nelson was excited to start 4th grade. This year he will have 4 teachers that he moves between for each subject. 6 including music and PE but he doesn't have those every day. He was excited to have his 2nd grade teachers daughter as his homeroom teacher this year. It turns out that Jack isn't so noisy and rambunctious when his brothers aren't here to wind him up. We are working on learning colors but every time I show him a color he says no. It wasn't his idea so it couldn't be that color! He is starting to get back on track with potty training. Friday and Saturday he didn't have any accidents!
Kash is 3 months old now. He is doing the usual eating, sleeping, pooping really well. :) He is smiling and laughing now and I think starting to notice he has hands. I love this age when they begin to see things for the first time.

In addition to school starting, I have began babysitting for a friend who teaches here. She has a precious baby boy that is a couple months older than Kash. He is such a sweet happy baby! I've started trying to get in shape.... well, a different shape. I am working on my eating habits and trying to get fit. I've lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks so that is a plus. I'm using to set my goals and track my progress.

James is working hard to keep our family going. He is contemplating running again. It's been over a year and he went for a little job a few nights ago and enjoyed it. I worry about his back but he is released to run as of July. The boys and I will enjoy watching him race again if he chooses too.

If this week is a sign to what the school year will be like, it is going to be great! I'm so excited (and sad at the same time) to see my boys growing up. I'm so thankful to be their mother!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Madness

I came home from the grocery store just in time to cook supper but found a project - along with loads of saw dust - in the kitchen. What a mess... (glad to have the new door though!).

Jack refused his nap today and in his sleep induced clumsiness knocked the door off the stand and on to his sweet little dirty toe.

Then cried himself to sleep. I love this picture...dirt and all.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jacks First Trip to Timeout

Jack decided to hit Henry and really liked it because of Henry's overly dramatic reaction. Surprisingly, the time out worked pretty well. He didn't enjoy going to the corner and kept leaving but soon realized he was going to keep going back until he decided to tell Henry he was sorry. He finally decided he was ready and said "sorry" to Henry (actually said it where we could understand) and gave him a big hug & kiss. And you know me, I take pics of everything and couldn't possibly leave out Jack's time out. He's cute even when he's in trouble. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Moments Like This...

Make my heart smile.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Saturday Night Bedtime

James and I took Nelson & Henry on a date Saturday - Smashburger, TCBY (Orange Leaf is my favorite but it's across town from the movie theater), and Harry Potter in 3D. Jack and Kash were at home with a sitter so the boys really enjoyed some uninterrupted time with Mom & Dad. When we got home it was time to get ready for bed. They had a good time trying to get us to change sleeping arrangements around for the night!

They really wanted to sleep together.

Jack giving his sad face... please can Kash sleep with me? (no!) Penelope Pig telling them goodnight :) Henry wanted Jack with him but that didn't work out. Nelson's always happy to have his bed to himself!

Head UP!

Kash really thinks he's getting big. He's doing a great job holding his head up. His 2 bigger brothers are pretty proud of him too :)