So it's the end of the third week of school. Nelson is really enjoying first grade... yes, that's right, first grade!! I'm still in shock that he's that old already. Anyway, I really like his teacher this year. She is very enthusiastic, positive, helpful, and is great at communicating with me. He's reading really well and so far has made a 100 on all his spelling tests. Go Nelson! I have a couple of pictures of him that I'll post another day. But here are a couple stories that I thought you might enjoy:
Me: Nelson, who is Jacob's teacher?
Nelson: I don't know her name but she is tall and thin and so old her face is crumbly. But she can still kind of do her job.
Me: Oh. (chuckle)
Nelson: And she's like me, you know, she's skinny and not Obeast.
Me: Obeast?
Nelson: Yes Mom, you know OBEAST, like she's not fat.
Me: LOL!!!!
Yesterday after school Nelson quickly informed me that I was going to get an email from his teacher because he got in trouble for talking (what's new??). I asked him to tell me about it and he said: I was just talking a little in the classroom. I didn't know we weren't suppose to be talk ing and she just said Nelson stop, I'm sending your mom an email about you talking! He then told me that because of it, he had to have a silent lunch (lunch at a table by himself with no talking). I just reminded him that he wasn't suppose to talk at school unless his teacher gave him permission to.
Well when I got home sure enough there was an email...this is what it said:
Mr. and Mrs. Suggs,It has been a rough day forNelson. He has talked nonstop all day long. He had to sit in silent lunch because he wouldn't listen to me. He continued after lunch. At recess I made him sit out for 10 minutes. I told him I was going to write you. I think the only other option is to move him next to my desk to keep him from talking. He such a smart boy. I know he can be a good example for the other children. They already look up to him because he is so advanced. I would appreciate your help.Sincerely,
So apprently Nelson didn't remember all the talking he did! I read him the letter and he said, Oh....yeah.... We went over the school rules again and he promised to do better and stop talking the first time he was asked so he wouldn't have to move his desk next to hers. It just tickles me because he GETS IT HONEST! Those are the same kind of notes my mom got about me when I was his age. Talk talk that is the way he is at home. Sometimes I just have to yell BE QUIET FOR A MINUTE!!! LOL :)